Repackaging the gospel

Throughout the centuries, there has always been an onslaught against the true word of God. But none has been so explicit and brazen as has been done in the last century. WE have watered down and repackaged the good news of Christ so that it can be digested by the masses. The problem is- we need to convey the original and true message of Christ.

Men have so twisted the word that true believers when they hear a new heresy cannot help but exclaim…”eh”. The disinformation and misinformation being spread does not only emanate from the news media and news outlets, it also resides in the CHURCH. What!

The enemy doesn’t really care if you have religion. The TRUTH is the deadly thing. But what is TRUTH? Exactly!

We are fed so much information that our minds and spirits are literally in a fog. But in reality, it is the same deception that originated in the garden of Eden. The simple “not” changed the entire picture and perception for Adam and Eve. The game plan of the enemy is confusion. But to also convince us that the confusion is not really confusion but is actually the truth. … EH?

So here we are…2016.

  1. We have laws in the land that tell us that a man can be a woman and a woman can be a man because it is really based on how we perceive ourselves rather than the laws of nature which determined our gender. In other words… God made a mistake.
  2. We have leaders that tell us ” don’t believe those who say they want to eradicate us from the face of the planet… they are just words that have no meaning.” Instead we should fear those who say no or who stand up to these leaders. In other words- put your common sense away and lower your defenses. The leaders know best. In other words.. Trust in the leaders and not in God.
  3. The integration of the religions because as they put it…”many paths lead to God”. Many religious leaders are trying to push an agenda that dilutes the actual word of God and fundamentally change it by 1) actually changing the words and meaning 2) changing and merging the name of God into other peoples religion 3) allowing strange ideas and fires of darkness to manifest in the church and therefore deceive the masses. In other words, let us reason together without the word of God.
  4. The list goes on and on …

2 Cor 2:17: For we are not like so many others, hucksters who peddle the word of God for profit, but we are speaking in Christ before God as persons of sincerity, as persons sent from God.
kapēleúō – properly, to act as an unscrupulous merchant, i.e. “a huckster” who profits by “peddling the Word of God” for personal gain. 2585 /kapēleúō (“peddler”) is only used in 2 Cor 2:17 – of people “marketing the ministry” (the Word of God) for fast gain.

When we begin to believe the repackaged gospel, we are in trouble. John 5:39-40 (Aramaic Bible in Plain English) says “Search the scriptures, for in them you hope that you have eternal life, and they testify concerning Me, And you are not willing to come to me that eternal life may be yours.” Clearly we need to understand that God is who He says He is and His ways are His. We are not to dilute and change the message for gain whether it is political, economic, social or spiritual gain. Let us get back to the actual message- read the Word given to us and ask God to make our crooked paths straight.

The TRUTH is Jesus Christ (Yeshua HaMASHIACH) and Him revealed. John 14:6 (Aramaic Bible in Plain English) says “Yeshua said to him, I AM THE LIVING GOD, The Way and The Truth and The Life; no man comes to my Father but by me alone.”
Let us seek out the Lord and shake off the garments of confusion, holding steadfast to the fact the Christ is the way. Read the closest translation of the scriptures to the the original language to get the meaning and reject the additions and the things that seek to divert from the true gospel. Be sober and vigilant moreso in these days because the master manipulator is out to deceive as many as he can.

DON’T BELIEVE EVERYTHING THAT COMES IN THE NAME OF THE CHRIST. Mark 13:6   (Aramaic Bible in Plain English) “For many will come in my name, and they will say, ‘I AM THE LIVING GOD’, and they will deceive many.”
But the Lord has not left you defenseless. Psalm 119:105 (NET Bible) says this “Your word is a lamp to walk by, and a light to illumine my path. ” Seek out His word daily that He may guide you through in these perilous days. Amen


Born for a reason, live for a purpose, die for a cause

“Born for a reason, live for a purpose, die for a cause” Tavis L. Morris.

John 18:37 (NET Bible) Then Pilate said, “So you are a king!” Jesus replied, “You say that I am a king. For this reason, I was born, and for this reason, I came into the world–to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.”


Each one of us is in this world for a reason.It is not by coincidence that you are you and that you were born into this world. Just to make it through conception and through the gestational period in the womb and then to be birthed -it is a miracle that we are here. SO many things could have gone wrong to prevent us from being here. But HERE we are and we have a reason for being here.

One thing we must understand.. IT IS NOT BY CHANCE! We were created and exist and continue to exist because there is a reason bigger than ourselves, bigger than our perception, bigger than our understanding. And to understand this reason, we must get on the frequency that clarifies our understanding and enables our perception. That frequency is linked inextricably to GOD. He is the one who ultimately defines us, refines us and aligns us to our reason and to our purpose.

Frequency – the majority of us have cell phones. Have you ever wondered how we can use our cell phones to access a transmission frequency that ultimately helps us to communicate? What if we were to get on the transmission frequency where God is always speaking. Wow – to hear HIS voice -literally that would be HUGE!


The reason for our existence is intertwined with our purpose. It is our mission. What exactly were we sent to do? Why did we make it through all the trials, the setbacks, the attacks, the things that sought to end our lives…. WHY? It is because our mission is not yet fulfilled.Our journey through life must be to discover our mission. Many times, we walk through life in fog… either not knowing our mission, not really caring or so confused by our existence that we miss reaching our full potential.

The definition of purpose is “the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists” (

Life itself becomes meaningful when we understand our purpose. There are many purposes that occupy our daily life….social, occupational, communal…. but the larger purpose, the one that ultimately defines us is the MISSION. As we seek our Maker, the one who created us in HIS image and likeness, we will find out the mission that the enemy of man seeks to hide from us. It is like a treasure hunt, with clues laid out for us along our journey through life. But the beauty of it all is this- GOD has a way of helping us achieve that mission. How much clearer that mission would be if we can get on the frequency where God is speaking on so that we can hear His voice.

We also have a written manual- the BIBLE- where we can find answers and a GPS guide through the fog. He did not leave us clueless and unarmed.


We are born and we die. It is a fact. It is the law of life on the earth. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Gravity pulls things back to the earth. Death is the expected end to all of us.

With that in mind- our end is also tied to our reason and our purpose. Sometimes some of us meet that end too early or without really understanding our mission.To avoid this we have to be sober, and vigilant and do not live in a spiritual, mental and physical fog. We need to wake up and seek GOD to understand our mission and get aligned with God’s plan and purpose for our lives.

Let us seek to get on God’s frequency; seeking Him to reveal to us our mission and asking Him for direction daily as we seek to accomplish our purposes in HIM.

Matt 6:33 says “But seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”