Why I write

I started this site first as a blog just to write my thoughts. Personally, I am not a great speaker nor even a good writer, but sometimes I get these wonderful thoughts and then if I don’t write them down, when I try to remember what they were a few days after, wow… those thoughts have taken wings and flown away…..they vanish. No matter how much I try to remember, how many blueberries I eat and other things I do to improve the memory, most times, the thoughts do not return. They are like flickers of light, like fireflies in a dark sky.

So this site, this blog is just a reflection of my thoughts on current affairs but mostly on my meditations on God and the scriptures. He is just such a great part of my life, I cannot help but write about Him, His impact on my life- He is everything.

If what I write inspires anyone who reads, or gives a new thought or perhaps give a new, more beautiful perspective on life, I would be thankful. It certainly is not about me, but ultimately all about Him- the Alpha and the Omega.