Choose this day whom you will serve

We can either choose to be a tool of the enemy where he uses us to inflict wounds, pain and hurt to others or we can choose to be a servant of the most high GOD and help usher in His love, his presence, and healing. When we choose the former, we feel and think we have power but that power is a delusion. Hitler had power but his evil was defeated. The enemy will use you and toss you after he is through with you. But the lowliest servant of the Lord God Almighty experiences His love as no other and is wrapped in loving arms always. 

Let us lend ourselves to be true servants of God. Don’t listen to the enemy’s half-truths and innuendos meant to wreak havoc in your lives. The devil truly comes to steal, to kill and to destroy but Jesus Christ came that we may have life and have it more abundantly. You cannot have it both ways. You cannot steal and be a tool of the devil to kill and destroy and also have life and have it abundantly. You MUST choose. It is EITHER OR.

Fear the Lord and do good. Walk uprightly before Him. Seek Him first and all things shall be added. Don’t lose your position because of the taunts and witchcraft of Goliath. Stand your ground and BE A SERVANT OF GOD. God is not deaf that He cannot hear. He is not blind that He cannot see. Let us turn to Him and SERVE HIM with all our hearts, souls and beings. A true servant and soldier does His master’s bidding and does not entangle himself with fights and wars that are meaningless.  God has already won. Put on His armor and not Saul’s armor (of pride, of self and of deceit) and stand your ground. By using the godly weapons of prayer, fasting and the word of God- advance and do battle for souls. Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. God is on the Throne and He is coming soon. Amen