100 Days to E DAY

100 days from today, we will know what direction our country has taken. Whether the Left, who never really accepted the election of Donald Trump and has fought incessantly to undermine and dismantle his presidency from day one, will prevail. Now they have enlisted their militia to “pretend protest” in order to convince the American public that they are the party that should be voted in. Or whether common sense will prevail and America votes for law and order.

If people have blindfolds on, they might vote for the puppet that is the Democratic nominee. People who open their eyes can see that this guy is incompetent and likely to bring more pain, mayhem and destruction. They do not care about ordinary folks- their property, their children and their livelihoods. Instead, the Democrats will willingly sacrifice you, your children and your property for their lust for power.

Where do we stand as believers? We have no choice but to vote for the party of law and order. The lines are clearly marked – 100 days from now, it will be the same choice that many have had to take in the days of Lincoln. A choice to stand for Justice, and Truth. A choice for Law and Order- for the conservative party of Donald Trump.

Indeed- we pray for the eyes and ears of the American people to be opened to hear from God. To forsake chaos and seek truth. If we as Christians seek to serve the gods of chaos- Leviathan – according to the Hebrew Bible, then we will reap the reward of chaos. We must seek the one true God- and seek His will.

Pray for this country because there are elements within, that serve the god of chaos willingly and are deceived. We pray against the deception being spread by the American media who has prostituted the truth for money and has sold out America to her enemies, spreading their propaganda without fear. We pray for the leaders of our country that they will lead for the good of the people and not for their bellies and for the sake of power. For all the lies being decimated, we pray for the seed of truth to take root and for it to grow and bring light and healing to this nation.

Let us be a beacon to the nations, not of hate and chaos, but of order and of love rooted in foundational principles. If we allow the Left wing party to remove the Foundations set by God and our forefathers, then we will have failed to protect our country- our present, our future and our destiny as Americans.

Take a stand today and Stand Up for our country. Stand for peace and order. Pray for the next 100 days- relentlessly pursuing after the Lord for His will in our lives and in this country. Pray for our President and his family. Pray for the church to take a Stand for God and not for chaos. Pray church … PRAY because if Chaos takes over, Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness ENDS.. PRAY that this will NEVER Happen!!

True Christianity vs Perpetual Victimhood

Today’s mantra is an echo chamber of victimhood. The air waves and social media is crowded with the victimhood tribes- each one lobbying to be the most victimized than the other. Even Christians have been caught up in the vortex of victimhood living.

Take a breath and step back. Allow yourself to have a bird’s eye view of history. As a follower of Christ, we have the greatest example of Christ. Taken, accused wrongfully, beaten, despised, and crucified on pretext, Jesus could have the greatest excuse to be a victim. But He was not. He was not a victim of the mob, nor of the Romans, nor of the ruling Jewish leaders, nor of Satan – but he was a conqueror- taking everything that happened to Him and wrapping it in His destiny.

I am not saying that bad things do not happen to us. Yes- we are like sheep for the slaughter. But the martyrs from times past to now, define for us the way. From being fed to the lions, crucified, beaten, mistreated, early Christians lived in perpetual victory- knowing that their victory was in the person of Christ- their motto being “In Christ, we live and move and have our being”.

So let us not subscribe to the lie of the enemy. We are not victims. Rather we are more than conquerors. We are more.. not because of the color of our skin, or our financial well being or our social influence. We are more, we are better because of His Mercy and Grace. Choose to believe the truth and not the lie because it looks good. For all of us under the banner of Christ, this is our Daniel day, this is our Esther day, this is our Elijah day. Let us choose this day who we will serve. If God be God, then serve Him. If not then serve whom you please. But there is no middle ground. How we choose will certainly define our future and our destiny.