Resist the beast

Gen 4:11- “If you do well, shall you not be accepted? and if you do not well, sin lies at the door. And you shall be its desire, and you must rule over it.

The enemy always begins on the outside because he cannot enter unless you invite him in. Like the wolf in the fairy tale, he cries ‘little pig, little pig- LET ME COME IN”. Unlike the smart pig who says “Not by the hair of my chiny, chin, chin”- people actually say- please come in, have a seat- let me hear your side of the story.

When we entertain the voice of deception and the lies, the beast begins to transform us into being more like him. It doesn’t take a full moon for the werewolves in us to come out. All it takes is an open heart and receptive mind to the whispering of the enemy to transform our beings into agents of darkness.

We can label ourselves with any label, if the content of our hearts is toxic, we will manifest that poison. Hence, God warns us in James 4:7 “Submit yourselves, therefore, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”

First submit, then resist. The enemy, like electricity, will take the path of least resistance. In other words, he is not patient. His impatience and his anger will be strong enough to try to take the easiest path to success. And if we entertain him, we give him that access.

One thing I have learned this week is that when the enemy tries to come in to whisper words of the past, I remind myself that while he may have controlled my past, GOD is my future and my destiny.

When he tries to bring words of hate and torment based on what others have done, said or neglected to do, I remind myself that the WORD of God is true. That as a follower of Christ, I am surrounded by the blood of Yeshua and encompassed by His Love. He alone is my righteousness and hence I should be “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ” 2 Cor. 10:5.

True warfare is not only about taking territory on the outside. It is also about taking back the territory in us so that we may live a victorious life and be able to resist the devil daily. It begins when we realize that we must die daily.….not just words but dying to will, self, old beliefs and the witchcraft of our customs in this age and society. It begins simply with us saying YES to God and No to the beast crouching at our door.

Yeshua-Lord Sabaoth

Almighty Warrior-

Had I seen you instead of me,

Had I sought You instead of the mirage of pride and self

Had I known You, had I understood it was YOU,

I would have been sooner delivered.

It was You who stood by me, who birthed me, who nurtured me.

Who gathered me in Your Arms in my darkest hour and guarded me on the hilltops

You who delivered me from darkness into Your amazing light.

Show me the way O living God

Usher me into your Presence- that I would know you always- my King.