Praising God in the discord

Is it possible to praise God when the music does not sound right- when the note is not in tune and when the voices do not blend? When the sound is disharmonious – even grating to natural ears?

WE all want to be in the place where the praise lifts us up to a high place but we so dislike to be where the praise sounds just like noise.

But God is where He wants to be. And life is not perfect!

SO in the imperfections of our lives, let the imperfect notes rise up to praise a wonderful God- if we can see that our whole life is but a praise to Him. It is not perfect- but is it true. He is Truth.

Let us think outside the box of our worship experience- and know this – every breath that we breathe- let it be to worship the Living God who loves us- discord and all. In it and through it all- we close our eyes and just worship him. The power of true worship dispels all chaos- even when it is around- it is God who matters. See HIM as He is.

WE are the instruments of praise. We are God’s masterpiece. We are the ones who echo His grace and purpose. Every step- every breath- every move— let us praise God with our every fiber in our beings.



Echoes into eternity

What we do in this life echoes throughout eternity. Which is why we must choose this day whom we serve. If God- Yahweh is GOD- serve Him and him alone.

The host of heavenly witnesses- those gone before us are cheering us on to do the right thing- the thing that separates us from the darkness.

Let us shake ourselves- awake to our destiny, lift our voices, our minds, our spirits and our talents and shout to eternity- that our God reigns and He has conquered the enemy!!!!