Helping the Poor!


I hear a lot of rhetoric on helping the poor and those in need. The question you ask yourself in the middle of the information deluge is this- who is talking smoke and mirrors? Who really wants to help the poor?

Democrats argument- They want to help all poor by giving them free everything. Free is good- who can argue. The problem with this argument is that there is a catch. They will “help” you to get something free, not much but just enough to keep you wanting. But anything is good if you have nothing. But beware of the piper! He sings an enticing and enchanting song. What is the message behind the “charitable deeds”? If you are ever lifted out of poverty and begin to actually make money in this great country that gives an opportunity to all- the Democrats will come for you. They will take your money and your property and make you poor again. Listen to their message well. You cannot help others by breaking down the houses and lives that others built.

Simply put- teach a man to fish and he will be fed for life but give a man a fish and he will always be hungry!

Republicans under President Trump- doing the total opposite. They are not giving handouts but teaching the poor how to actually fish. To escape poverty you need to use your brain and your imagination to create something. This is an empowering message and if we are truly listening, we will make the smart choice.

Poverty is hell… we all know. But God has given us, especially in the USA, many opportunities to truly escape this hell.

Let us listen carefully and make the right choice for our country and our people. Let us truly help the poor by teaching them to fish. It will be a lesson that both empowers and uplifts.

Morally Superior? NO

Gal 3:2-29Therefore the Law has become our tutor to lead us to Christ, so that we may be justified by faith. But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor. For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s descendants, heirs according to promise.

When Paul spoke to the Galatians in this text, he was specifically addressing the notion among the Galatians that they needed to convert to Judaism to be accepted as righteous by God.

This was an error pointed out by Paul. The Torah (law) was given to the Jews to guide them so that they would not be totally destroyed by sin. It was like a master constantly correcting. For the Galatians, accepting Jesus Christ as Lord did not then mean for them to convert to Judaism to keep the Torah.

The promise of inheritance is given to heirs and sons. So too, as a follower of Messiah, we no longer need to have the master of Torah constantly pointing us in the way- the Holy Spirit of promise now guides us.  Not that the Torah should be done away with- No. We read Torah knowing it is fulfilled by Christ. Through Him, we have right-standing (righteousness) before God- not by our constant thriving after a sinless state.

Religion today, however, misinterprets “righteousness”-, particularly in the Church. Having misread Paul’s teachings and not understanding the context of the letter, it has become a snare for those who exalt themselves morally superior to others. As a result, there are various class structures in the church today, something specifically rebuked in Galatians.

We are all on a level playing field because of sin (some of us more brutally victims than others). But Christ has redeemed us- not that we will exert power over others as those without understanding do, but rather to humble ourselves and serve God and others, as having been redeemed from death.

With great awe, we should put aside our prejudices and the sin that so easily besets us- and seek to build each other up rather than to pull down. WE NEED TO STEP DOWN FROM THE ALTAR OF SELF RIGHTEOUS MORALITY AND SERVE THE TRUE AND LIVING GOD- NOT OURSELVES.