Grace of God

Have you ever considered why we appear to be magnets for negativity? It seems as if we pick up or attract the negative things around more than the positive- it seems by default.

Do we as human beings have a default setting? We try as much as possible to be the best we can but …. when things go wrong and mistakes happen, we default to believing the worst about ourselves. Perhaps this is a product of our environment, our circumstances and our culture …… and perhaps many other things too.

But these things appear to channel or program our default setting. What if we were to reprogram ourselves and the way we react to situations?

Sometimes- I really think it is only by the grace of God that we really exist on this planet- given the inhumanities and atrocities that are committed day after day.  And then there are the personal tragedies that enter into our lives ….

But truly – it is the Word of God that guides us and seeks to set us free from the prison of negativity that seems to be our default. Isn’t that why Christ came on the earth…. to set us free from ourselves…. And have you really wondered at the purpose of salvation and the magnitude of that work …. in the context of resetting our default setting.. to experience something greater than us and our way of thinking.

Just a thought—–

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