Liver Cleanse

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The liver is an amazing organ. It is the only organ in our bodies that regenerates itself. But it also a vital organ in maintaining health.

Here are the liver’s 3 primary jobs:

1. Clearing out the toxic waste

2. Produces bile which helps to break down fat and aids digestion

3. Store fat soluble vitamins like A, D, E and K

A liver detox is a best way to prep your body if you are serious about shedding pounds. It rids you off toxins, improves digestion, and also promotes better blood sugar balance.

Not only does it help you to lose weight it also comes with other perks.

  • Improved energy levels
  • Better metabolism
  • A boost to your immune system
  • Efficient burn off excess fat
  • Prevents fatty liver disease
  • Improves appetite and digestion

Foods that Detox the Liver

Your first step toward an effective liver detox should be to eat foods that are liver friendly. The following is the liver-friendly food list.

Root vegetables: like carrots and beets are high in glutathione which is a protein and an antioxidant. It helps to prevent oxidative liver damage and also detoxifies.

Cruciferous vegetables: Cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, brussel sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower are high in sulfur. They have a characteristic smell when cooked.

They’re rich in antioxidant glucosinolate too. This helps the liver release enzymes to prevent damage and flush out environmental toxins.

Spinach: It is high in phytonutrients like saponins, flavonoids and pigments carotenoids. These are all powerful antioxidants and have anti-cancer effects on liver.

Artichokes: Contains the nutrient cynarin that helps to improve bile secretion and offer protective effects.

Grapefruit: It’s high in vitamin C and pigment lycopene. They’re 2 powerful antioxidants that help in liver cleansing.

Citrus fruits: Citrus fruits like lemon and lime are rich in vitamin c,a liver protector. They also contain limonin, a compound that is a potent anti-cancer agent.

Avocados: Contains glutathione a powerful antioxidant that protects from oxidative damage

Dandelion: Stimulates bile production and maintains liver function

Burdock root: It is often used in Ayurveda for liver cleansing

Milk Thistle : Contains the active ingredient silymarin that is often present in supplements

Holy Basil or Tulsi leaves:These leaves improve liver enzyme production and function.

Peppermint: It’s active ingredient is found to protect liver from arsenic poisoning.

Turmeric: The active ingredient is curcumin reduces inflammation of liver and heals.

Garlic: The pungent smell of garlic is due to the sulfur containing compounds. Anti-inflammatory in nature garlic supports liver function

Quinoa, millet, buckwheat and walnuts provide healthy protein and fat content. This promote healthy liver function.

Green tea: Rich in catechins, and other powerful antioxidant. Being anti-inflammatory green tea is a  great liver-friendly drink.

Here’s a simple liver detox shot recipe with just 3 ingredients with benefits that include detoxifying the liver, lowering gall stones and preventing inflammation.

Turmeric – ½ Tsp

Ginger – ¼ inch

Juice of Half a Lemon

Water – ½ cup

Be wary of products and supplements that claim to flush out liver toxins.

The best approach is to eat fresh, eat clean.

Avoid processed and refined foods, and exercise daily to maintain a healthy liver.

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